Saturday, May 3, 2008

Proud To Be An American

Being so far from home is hard. (We now know this for a fact!) But I guess probably no one knows it better than our military. They are separated from their family for months on end, all in the name of serving their country. Since Singapore is an island with a huge port (and possibly because it's a cool place to visit??), US naval ships stop here regularly on their way to other locations. The American Association in Singapore does a great job of reaching out to the sailors that come through here. When a ship is coming in, they ask for American families to host the sailors by taking them out to dinner, showing them around Singapore, cooking a dinner for them, etc. Something that will give them the sense of home and "American hospitality" since they're so far away from family.

Colin and I had the awesome opportunity to host three sailors a couple of weeks ago. We were assigned to Dustyn, Zac and William from the USS Shoup (a destroyer that accompanies the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln on its way to the Persian Gulf). These guys obviously drew the short straw when they got stuck with the Martins, but I'll tell you what, they were good sports! Most of you know that my cooking is atrocious -- surely there's a stiff penalty for poisoning government personnel?? -- so it goes without saying that I wasn't going to cook a meal for them. We gave the guys the choice of a few restaurants and let them decide where they'd like to eat. They chose to go to a seafood restaurant to try one of Singapore's favorite dishes: peppered crab. First, though, we took them shopping for electronics and then took them to Chinatown where they found some souveniers to take home. (I'm going to leave out the part where Colin almost got us all killed by mistakenly looking to the left instead of the right before pulling out into an intersection. You're welcome Colin!) Then we were off to dinner. We got the chance to hear about why they enlisted in the military, about their families and what it's like in the Navy. We had a great time. I wish I could tell you how many pounds of crab they ate, but things are measured in kilos over here and I'm still struggling with the conversion. All I can say is...they can put away some crab and probably could've eaten even more! After dinner, we took them back to our house so that they could use the computer and our phone to call home. Then they all got involved in a fierce Guitar Hero and Super Smash Brothers competition with Cameron on the Wii. We had a good time and before we knew it, it was time to take them back to the base before their curfew.

I feel like I need to acknowledge the dedication these guys have. To give you an idea of what they're sacrificing to serve our country, here's who they bought for in Chinatown: Dustyn bought something for his new wife Stephanie, William bought something for his girlfriend who he had met just a couple months before shipping out, and Zac bought something for his wife, Christine, who is pregnant with their first baby. These guys will be gone for six more months. Zac won't even be back from this tour until after the baby is born. It really hits home to see the sacrifices that these guys and their families make to serve our country. And these are only three of the thousands that are serving in our military. Just think of all the babies that are born without their fathers in the delivery room and the wives that are without their husbands because of their service to the US. No matter what your stance is on what's going on with the war, you have to admire our servicemen and women. I'll tell you, I was really proud of these guys.

Since taking them out, they've sent a few emails to let us know how they're doing and each time they've told us thank you for taking them out. But we should be the ones thanking them! It was an honor meeting them and treating them to a night out in Singapore was hardly enough thanks for what they do.

Here are some pictures that I thought I'd share...

In Chinatown. William is in the Packers jersey (Colin, the avid Titans fan, decided he'd let William come along for the night despite his misguided allegiance to the Packers), Dustyn is in the red and Zac is kneeling in front.

Eating With Chopsticks 101 -- Hey Zac, it usually works best when the chopsticks are in the same hand!

Cracking the legs was a group effort.

Now this is the look of a military guy who is going to show his food who's boss.

And this is the look of a military guy who uses his hands to break the crab legs instead of the crab cracker. Messy little suckers!

William had just used his camera and set it down on the ledge next to him and two minutes later reached over to get it and this giant snail had crawled up on the lens of the camera. I probably would have freaked out to have this big, nasty snail on my camera, but William posed for a few pictures before prying it off and putting it in the bushes. Yuck!

When losing at Guitar Hero, employ any tactics necessary to distract your opponents. Moose antlers is always effective.

See Zac's tongue sticking out? I told you it was an intense game!

More later!


Husker Mom said...

Living in a big military town like me you see the loneliness and separation played out continually. It's a feel good story for the media to feature ships and Marine units returning from deployment with all the new dads seeing their babies first. It gives the viewers a warm fuzzy for the moment. But very few outside the military have such sensitivity for what it really takes to volunteer as you have expressed in this blog. THANK YOU

Anonymous said...


Thank you can not adequately express our appreciation for entertaining our son-in-law Dustyn while he was in Singapore. But even more thanks for this reenactment of their visit. Although this is just a 'pause' in their mission to serve and protect, it was I am sure refreshing for them.
As I read, I could not out loud read my daughter Stephanie's name, it made the connection of this lengthy seperation all too real. She is doing well and proud of her sailor, yet grateful to be home busy with work and family and not a constant prisoner of her own thoughts.
So with heartfelt gratitude we thank you for being a breathe of fresh air.

We thank our military and their families from the bottom of hearts.

With appreciation,
Carey Lee and Pamela
AKA (Papacita as Dustyn calls him)(Mama Hof as Dustyn affectionately calls me)

Jodi said...

Your comment really touched me and makes it even more clear how far reaching the commitment of our servicemen and women goes. It not only affects the spouses, but even the parents of these spouses and even beyond them, I'm sure.

Dustyn showed us pictures of him and Stephanie. She's beautiful! He was so proud to show her off to us and I know he can't wait to see her again so they can start their new life together.

Again, it was our pleasure to spend some time with Dustyn. He and the other guys were so polite and such gentlemen; their families should be proud.


Alice Arnold said...
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Alice Arnold said...

I can't tell you how proud your dad and I are of you and Colin and sharing a few hours with, who we consider, 'heroes'. Being an ex-Navy guy, your dad knows the lonliness and homesick feelings that these young men are feeling. To know there are people who really care will make their duty a little easier. It will be an experience you and they will never forget.
Another great post. I am so glad you are sharing your life in Singapore with all of us. Although, it reminds me how very far away you all are......X's & O's

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing the story and posting the pictures. Zac never was very good at remembering to take pictures,(sorry honey, its the truth)so it was nice to see him happy and having fun. He talked about the trip out with your family for days after leaving Singapore and still talks about it, so I know he greatly enjoyed it. Thank you so much for opening your home to the boys. It makes us back at home a little more comfortable with them being away. In case Zac hasn't told you. It's Girl! Zoie Aeryn. We're very excited. I am sure that Zac will keep you posted with everything. Once again, thank you so much for your hospitality. With love and blessings.

Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...


what a neat opportunity you had to spend time with these guys that we owe so much to. It really made them real, individual people instead of the nameless, faceless, "# of troops" we hear about on the news every day.

Great post!


Dody Jane said...

Hi Jodi - I am a friend of a friend (Kristin's mom Jean McDowall is my friend) she pointed out your blog and I have spent some time reading and enjoying. Since I blog as well, I know comments are fun! You have a great wit and I love what you have written here!